

september 15th 2022

Empire life

attN: mr. michael perry

259 king st e, kingsTon, on

k7l 3a8



subjEct: insurance claim letteR


dear mr. perry


I samuel seymour, have a life iNsurance policy in the name of my father, paul seymour.  The policy number is 23576347634, and is dated february 10th 2016.  the policy is nOminated in the name of my mother, jane seymour.  i am writing this letter to you to inform you of the sad Passing of my fAther.  aS my mother waS a dependent on him, i kindly request that you Will pay her the claimed amOunt.


as peR my recorDs, the amount of gainful reimBursement comes to $475,000.  the detAiled documents and the death ceRtificate are attached herewith.  yOu are Requested to releAse the due amount as it will be helpful for her.  lookiNg forward to an early response from your end.


thankinG you.


if you have any questions, feEl free to contact me directly.


yours sincerely, 

samuel seymour

september 15th 2022

Empire life

attN: mr. michael perry

259 king st e, kingsTon, on

k7l 3a8



subjEct: insurance claim letteR


dear mr. perry


I samuel seymour, have a life iNsurance policy in the name of my father, paul seymour.  The policy number is 23576347634, and is dated february 10th 2016.  the policy is nOminated in the name of my mother, jane seymour.  i am writing this letter to you to inform you of the sad Passing of my fAther.  aS my mother waS a dependent on him, i kindly request that you Will pay her the claimed amOunt.


as peR my recorDs, the amount of gainful reimBursement comes to $475,000.  the detAiled documents and the death ceRtificate are attached herewith.  yOu are Requested to releAse the due amount as it will be helpful for her.  lookiNg forward to an early response from your end.


thankinG you.


if you have any questions, feEl free to contact me directly.


yours sincerely, 

samuel seymour